
I created a new category that I’d like to call プチポスト (tiny-post).
I have all sorts of random thoughts and ideas that are too short for a マジポスト (real-post) so hopefully this new category will allow me to post more often.
(Yes, as a matter of fact, I am making these words up as I go.)

Personally, I hate meaningless posts with just a couple sentences or a random image/video/link so I’ll try to post something that’s at least mildly interesting but feel free to ignore this category if you just care about the meatier articles that I pump out about once every month (or two).




3 thoughts on “プチポストをはじめました!

  1. Tae, I hope you write some プチポスト in Japanese, it would be interesting to have a little text to read in Japanese every once in a while. I just don’t get through long texts yet.
    By the way, do you know any Japanese blog with quality content (and writing) and not so long posts?

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