





What obstacles in online colloboration?

I had a couple online lessons during the weekend as well as one face-to-face.

The online lessons went amazingly well except for when my stupid, stupid Comcast connection died and didn’t come back for 10 minutes. I would even venture to say it worked out better than the real-life meeting because the place we had arranged to meet had already closed. (What kind of large coffee chain closes at 7pm??)

We have the technology

Here’s the technology I used to set this up, in case anybody is curious.

Skype with webcam: Of course you need some kind of chat program. One person suggested MSN Live Messenger, which I will try out but Skype with video works amazingly well. It’s almost as good as talking face-to-face!

Drupal: I use Drupal to manage my lessons, conversation notes, and any other content related to the lessons. If you’re not familiar with Content Management Systems (CMS), it’s a generic platform to manage content in different formats whether it’s a blog, online book, forum, etc. This was used to setup the main lesson site.

Google Calendar: I added a new calendar on my Gmail account to manage my lesson calendar. You can embed the calendar for others to share and sync as I have done in this page.

Yuuguu: I researched around for screen sharing apps and this was the first one I tried. It was very simple to use and works great so I’ve stuck with it. At least, it seems to work great for me since I’m the one sharing the screen. I don’t know how slow it is on the other end but so far, there seems to be little trouble following along. I can run Google searches and show how to find interesting information pertaining to your interests in Japanese.

I have screen sharing on my laptop and I converse on Skype through my desktop. I have the laptop on the side for demonstration mostly because my desktop monitor resolution is far too large for sharing.

Lang-8: I setup a separate account on Lang-8 exclusively to correct my student’s writing. I ask them to setup their own account and add me as a friend. This way, I can easily correct their writing and also allows them to find additional friends and input from the awesome Lang-8 community.

Google Checkout: I haven’t tried this out yet but it allows sending out email invoices so you don’t even need a website with a shopping cart. You can however easily embed one in your website if you so choose. I plan to send emails out at the end of every month for lessons already done to save myself the trouble of tracking amount purchased, amount remaining, and all that junk. The transaction fee is 2% and $0.20. Not bad at all!


Drupal is great if you already pay for a domain name and have a provider with PHP and database support. But you could probably do most of what you need with a free blog from blogger. So really, there is no overhead cost at all except for your internet connection which I assume you already have since you’re reading this.

My setup probably isn’t going to work for most people. If you need help finding students or don’t want to bother with managing billing and payment, you’ll probably just want to pay the 15% and go with eduFire. But I doubt their flash app can beat having screen sharing where you can show the student whatever you want, whether it’s the lesson, searching for their favorite author’s works in Japanese on Amazon.co.jp or showing them show to use wwwjdic to find example sentences of something they just learned during the course of the conversation. You can even give them control briefly so they can have their hand at it.

Update: I’ve been checking out some videos and it does look like eduFire has screen sharing as well so it’s actually a really impressive little app they’ve developed.

Update 2: Actually, the app I think is from Adobe so it’s a nice big app that they’ve licensed or bought.

Next time, I’ll talk about the most important part which are the actual lessons themselves.

Beginner Lesson #3: Adjectives and the 「の」 particle

Beginner Japanese Lesson #3: Adjectives and the 「の」 particle (length: 28:56) and original lesson details.

Here is the recording for the third beginner Skype lesson. You can subscribe to this podcast with iTunes from the following link:

Subscribe to this podcast with iTunes

This time, you can tell it’s spring because of the background noises from the birds. Sorry about that and the big delay but I’ve been too lazy for various reasons. Details of the next beginner lesson and lesson date will be posted afterwards in another post. (For those of you who asked, yes, I’m still planning on doing more lessons.)

Lesson Notes

To add to the previous lesson, the topic particle is not the subject like in English. There is no such thing as a subject in Japanese.

It is only the topic and doesn’t have to be directly related to the rest of the sentence.
For example, 「レイさんは、学校です。」 doesn’t have to mean that the Ray-san is a school.


So far, we have learned how to use 「元気」 to describe how you are doing. I managed to cleverly hide the fact that 「元気」 is an adjective. Actually, 「元気」 can also be a noun but so far we have been using as an adjective as a description of your well-being.

There are two types of adjectives: na-adjective and i-adjectives.

Na-adjectives are almost the same as nouns as we have seen with 「元気」. The difference is that you can directly modify a noun by attaching it directly in front of the noun with a 「な」. (Hence the name)

1.有名な人 – famous person
2.便利なところ – convenient place

The other type of adjective are called i-adjectives. They are called that because they end in the hiragana 「い」. Unlike the na-adjectives, they do not need anything to directly modify nouns. Just attach them to the front of the noun.

1.広い部屋 – wide room
2.面白い人 – interesting person

You may have noticed, some na-adjectives end in 「い」 such as 「きれい」. You should pay careful attention to them. 「嫌い」 is another example of a na-adjective that ends in 「い」.

Negative Adjectives
As we have seen, the negative for na-adjectives is the same as nouns. Just add 「じゃない」.

The conjugation rules for i-adjectives are slightly different from na-adjectives and nouns.
For the negative tense, you first need to remove the last 「い」 and attach 「くない」.

For the polite form, add 「です」 at the end for both i-adjectives and na-adjectives.

※Important Exception: いい、かっこいい

The original version of いい was よい. As a result, all conjugations are based on よい and not いい.

The 「の」 particle

One of the main functions of the 「の」 particle (besides many others) is used to show ownership, same as the English word, “of”. However, the order is the possessor followed by 「の」 followed by the possession.

Xさんの部屋 = room of Xさん

Beginner Lesson #3: Lesson Description + Signup Page


Here are the lesson details for the third Skype Lesson.

You must have a microphone and headphones to participate. Please do not use speakers because it will echo back into the mic and create a very annoying echo. Having a fast connection also helps with the latency.

Important: The lessons will be recorded and posted on this site. If you do not want to be recorded, please do not participate in the lesson.

Lesson 3: A first look at adjectives and the の particle

In this lesson, we’ll learn the two different types of adjectives, their characteristics, and the differences in rules for conjugation. We’ll also learn one of the main functions of the 「の」 particle, which is to show possession. Finally, we’ll put these two things together to ask each other about people and places in our lives.

※This lesson will be recorded and posted on this site along with my notes.

Lesson Date and Time
※I have work Sunday so I’m changing the lesson date to Saturday morning for this lesson only.
Time: Sat 9:00 am, Tokyo Time (No DST) (convert time)
Date: May 6
Length: 30 min to 1 hour
Participants: Joao Paulo, John, Raize, Rossine

1. You must have a microphone and headphones. Please do not speakers.
2. You must be familiar with the contents of the previous two lessons.
3. You must know hiragana.
4. Though useful, knowledge of katakana is not neccessary.

Lesson Preparation
You must be familiar with hiragana.
Hiragana Link 1
Hiragana Link 2

You should also become at least somewhat familiar with the following vocabulary and expressions before the lesson. I also recommend that you study the kanji by using an online kanji dictionary as I described in lesson 2.

This lesson’s vocabulary is chock full of adjectives so good luck!


  1. どう – how
  2. どんな – what kind of
  3. ところ – place
  4. 私【わたし】 – I, me, myself
  5. 人【ひと】 – person
  6. 友達【ともだち】 – friend
  7. 日本語【にほんご】- Japanese language
  8. 家【いえ or うち】- house
  9. 部屋【へや】- room
  10. 元気(な)【げんき】- lively; spirited
  11. 上手(な)【じょうず】- skilled; good at
  12. 静か(な)【しずか】- quiet
  13. 有名(な)【ゆうめい】- famous
  14. 親切(な)【しんせつ】- kind
  15. 便利(な)【べんり】- convenient
  16. きれい(な)- pretty; clean
  17. いい – good
  18. かっこいい – cool; handsome
  19. かわいい – cute
  20. 大きい【おおきい】 – big
  21. 小さい【ちいさい】 – small
  22. 広い【ひろい】 – wide
  23. 狭い【せまい】 – narrow; cramped
  24. 楽しい【たのしい】 – fun
  25. 面白い【おもしろい】 – interesting; funny

1.なるほど。 – I see.
Lesson Notes
Rules for making negative state-of-being for i-adjectives
1. Casual: Drop the last 「い」 and attach 「くない」
2. Polite: Drop the last 「い」 and attach 「くないです」

Adjectives Explained

Beginner Lesson #2: Negative State-of-Being and Referring to people

Beginner Japanese Lesson #2: Negative State-of-Being and Referring to people (length: 42:21) and original lesson details.

Here is the recording for the second beginner Skype lesson. You can subscribe to this podcast with iTunes from the following link:

Subscribe to this podcast with iTunes
The echo is gone only to be replaced by equally annoying static. It gets better later on but if anybody has any ideas on where the static is coming from or how to remove it, let me know. Those of you who are signed up for the third lesson, make sure you are familiar with the contents of the first two lessons.

On another note, please don’t sign up and then not show up. It’s not fair to the other people who couldn’t participate.

Details of the next beginner lesson and lesson date will be posted afterward in another post.

Lesson Notes

In the previous lesson we talked about tones and how to practice them by mimicking Japanese speakers. Another way to practice tones by yourself is to get some sort of audio material, record yourself and compare the pronunciations.

However, be careful to find a good model because the degree of change in tones depends on the gender.

Females tend to have more drastic changes, and pronunciations are clearer, making listening comprehension easier. Males have much less variation and pronunciation tends to be more muffled making it more difficult to understand.

In the last lesson, we also learned how to say, “I’m doing good” using 元気 but not how to opposite, “I’m NOT doing good.”

Rules for negative conjugation
1. Add 「じゃない」 for casual
2. Add 「じゃないです」 for polite

Politer and former forms such as 「じゃありません」 or 「ではありません」 exist but for conversation, these two are fine

・Saying different degrees of 元気

1. まあまあ – so-so
2. とても
3. あまり – Can only be used with negative
4. 全然 – Mostly only used with negative

As before, the negative also works with nouns such as 「日本人じゃないです」.

・Getting somebody’s attention
In Japanese, we almost never use the word “you”. Instead, we usually refer to people by their name or title. And only when necessary. A important principle in Japanese is that less is better.

Today, we will learn the polite name suffix which you probably heard of already: さん.

Now that I have your attention, how am I going to tell you what I’m going to talk about?

Answer: the topic particle

・What are particles?

One or two hiragana characters that define the role the sentence is playing in the sentence. It comes after the word that it applies to. There are many different types of particles but we’ll just cover the topic particle today.

When the other person has no way of knowing what you are going to talk about, the topic particle is like picking a topic from a bag of the topics of the universe. You can only hold one topic at a time, to change the topic, you have to put the first topic back in the bag and pick out another one. Once a topic is out of the bag, you can but you don’t have to repeat it (and often don’t).

The topic particle is a haragana 「は」 and attaches to the end of the topic. It is read as /wa/ and not /ha/.
It was also in the expression 「こんにちは」 and 「こんばんは」 from the last lesson.

元気です。(same topic) Yさんは? (changes topic)

This is why context is so important in Japanese because people don’t repeat things that were said previously and subject/objects aren’t required.

Now that we are learning more and more vocabulary, you’ll want to start learning Kanji to help your memorization.

16 小学校【しょうがっこう】 – elementary school
17 中学校【ちゅうがっこう】 – middle school
18 高校【こうこう】 – high school
19. 大学【だいがく】 – college

All use the kanji for school: 「校」. Also, if you know the kanji for small, medium, large, you can easily learn elementary, middle, and college by reusing 学校 and 学. Same goes for 高校 using the kanji for high and school.

Let’s use kanji to easily learn 4 new words (purposely not on the list). We learned 学生 in lesson 1. It uses 生, the kanji for life so with 学 (study, learning) it becomes student. How would we use the same 生 (life) kanji to say elementary school student, middle school student, high school student and college student?

Learning these characters will help you learn other words like 予備校, 校庭、大事, the list goes on and on.

・How to learn Kanji
When learning a kanji for the first time, practice the correct stroke order and count. You can look online for most characters by using the Kanji dictionary at WWWJDIC by clicking the sod link. Unfortunately, it doesn’t show the stroke direction but it is top to down for more vertical strokes and left to right for more horizontal strokes.

You’ll notice that there are readings in both katakana and hiragana. The katakana reading is called 音読み and is written in katakana because it’s a Chinese-derived pronunciation. (Though the actual Chinese pronunciation is probably very different) Words such as 学生 that are a combination of characters usually use this reading.

The other hiragana readings are called 訓読み. Originally Japanese words that was latched onto the Chinese character when they imported them into their writing system. Verbs, adjectives, and single character words usually use this character.

Some characters can have only one, both, or multiple such readings. Don’t worry about them until you actually learn words that use those reading. Learning just the readings doesn’t help as much as learning actual words with the readings along the way.

Again, because, there are so few sounds in Japanese, so many words look alike and you really need the visual aspect as a memory aid to keep tham all seperate.

Beginner Lesson #2: Lesson Description + Signup Page


Here are the lesson details for the second Skype Lesson. The opening are already filled but I still have 3 openings for the third lesson so leave a comment quickly if you are interested in participating in the lesson after this.

You must have a microphone and headphones to participate. Please do not use speakers because it will echo back into the mic and create a very annoying echo. Having a fast connection also helps with the latency.

Important: The lessons will be recorded and posted on this site. If you do not want to be recorded, please do not participate in the lesson.

Lesson 2: Negative State-of-Being and Referring to people

We will look deeper into topics briefly mentioned in the first lesson such as the negative state-of-being and the topic particle. We will also learn how to refer to people and more importantly, when not to. We will then take what we learned to get to know each other a little. Finally, we’ll take our first look at kanji (already!) and how they can help us learn vocabulary.

※This lesson will be recorded and posted on this site along with my notes.

Lesson Date and Time
Time: Sun 9:00 am, Tokyo Time (No DST) (convert time)
Date: April 23
Length: 30 min to 1 hour
Participants: cc, Jenny, Joshua, Jyosua

1. You must have a microphone and headphones. Please do not speakers.
2. You must be familiar with the contents of the first lesson. (Review the notes and lesson recording)
3. Knowledge of hiragana.
4. Though useful, knowledge of katakana and kanji is not neccessary.

Lesson Preparation
I strongly recommend learning hiragana.
Hiragana Link 1
Hiragana Link 2

You should also become at least somewhat familiar with the following vocabulary and expressions before the lesson. You do not have to worry about the kanji for now.


  1. さん – polite name suffix for names
  2. まあまあ – so-so
  3. とても – very
  4. あまり – not very (only used with negatives)
  5. 全然【ぜんぜん】 – not at all (mostly only used with negatives)
  6. 国【くに】- country
  7. 国籍【こくせき】- nationality
  8. 日本【にほん】- Japan
  9. 韓国【かんこく】- Korea
  10. 中国【ちゅうごく】- China
  11. アメリカ【あめりか】- America
  12. 日本人【にほんじん】- Japanese person
  13. 韓国人【かんこくじん】- Korean person
  14. 中国人【ちゅうごくじん】- Chinese person
  15. アメリカ人【あめりかじん】- American person
  16. 小学校【しょうがっこう】 – elementary school
  17. 中学校【ちゅうがっこう】 – middle school
  18. 高校【こうこう】 – high school
  19. 大学【だいがく】 – college
  20. 趣味【しゅみ】- interest; hobby

1. Casual: [X]は、何(なに)?- What is [X]?
2. Polite: [X]は、何(なん)ですか?- What is [X]?

Lesson Notes
Rules for making negative state-of-being
1. Casual: Add じゃない
2. Polite: Add じゃないです

音読み【おんよみ】: Chinese pronunciation of Kanji
訓読み【くんよみ】: Japanese pronunciation of Kanji

Edict Kanji Dictionary

Beginner Lesson #1: Greetings and Proper Pronunciation

Beginner Japanese Lesson #1: Greetings and Proper Pronunciation (length: 31:22) and original lesson details.

Here is a heavily edited recording for the first lesson (mostly to get rid of the annoying echo as much as possible) and my notes. You can subscribe to this podcast with iTunes from the following link:

Subscribe to this podcast with iTunes
There is a very annoying echo throughout the whole thing, I’m very sorry about that. I will look into having that fixed by the next lesson.

Details of the next beginner lesson will be posted afterwards in another post.

And, Rossine, I’m so sorry I never correctly learned your name! I finally got time to relax and have it down now but my mind was just too full with other things at the time.

Lesson Notes

In Japanese, we don’t say “hello”.
Instead, there are three greetings for morning, afternoon, night. Let’s first look at the greeting for afternoon and night.


The last 「は」 is pronounced as /wa/ in this expression because it is the topic particles (covered later).

The tone is very important for proper pronunciation.
Theoretically, there are two tones: high and low, and the movement between them whether it’s up or down. The changes are important and not the actual pitch.
The key is to use your ears and mimic the tones. (Try humming the sounds first)

If you don’t get most of your tones right, native speakers won’t correct you because there’s too much to correct. So you need to pay attention from the start.

Be careful especially of English words because we tend to be used to the English way of saying them.

・Long vowel sound
The long vowel sound is two distinct sounds blurred together.

1. /a/ →  あ
2. /i/ → い
3. /e/ → え
4. /u/o/ → う

There are several exceptions such as 「おお」 being the long vowel sound. (大きい、通る、and 遠い)

To split hairs, /ei/ is regarded as a long vowel but it’s really not. It’s actually pronounced “ay”. Just slur the /e/ and /i/ sound.


For the small や、ゆ、よ, the long vowel sound goes with the last vowel sound.


Long vowel sound is important because if you don’t pronounce it right, you may say another completely different word.

おばあさん vs おばさん
ここ vs 高校(こうこう)
家(いえ) vs いいえ

In Japanese, there are roughly three levels of politeness: casual, polite, honorific/humble.
Which one to use mostly depends on age, social ranking, the type of relationship, length of acquantice, etc. In normal conversational Japanese, you only need to worry about casual and polite.

Of the three greetings, only “Good Morning” has a casual/polite distinction.


「です」 is polite ending for state-of-being. When said quickly, it sounds like “des”

Add 「か」, the question marker to make a polite question. That’s it! You don’t have to worry about subject agreement. In fact, you don’t need anything else.

To say, “How are you?” we use the adjective 「元気」(げんき) which means cheerful, happy, in a good condition.

Casual Version


Polite Version


We can use nouns too with 「です」.


We’ll learn more about state-of-being such as the negative and referring to others in the next lesson. We’ll also learn more about politeness levels as we go along.

Try using these greeting with your family and friends. It’s good for daily practice.